Alexander of Macedon – Conquest of Persia – Ancient History DOCUMENTARY

Alexander of Macedon – Conquest of Persia – Ancient History DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on the ancient history continues with a video on Alexander III’s conquest of Persia. Discover the incredible saga of Alexander the Great’s legendary conquest of Persia in this comprehensive recounting of pivotal battles and strategic maneuvers. Kings and Generals brings history to life, chronicling Alexander’s campaign through the heartland of ancient Persia, showcasing his military brilliance and tactical genius. Start with Alexander’s coronation and his battles in the Balkans against the Illyrians, Thracians and Thebes. Explore the decisive battles that shaped Alexander’s triumphant march, from the Battle of Granicus, where his bold strategies against Persian forces marked the campaign’s outset, to the pivotal clash at Issus, where his skilled tactics led to the defeat of Darius III’s vast army. Witness the epic Siege of Tyre and the relentless pursuit of Darius III, culminating in the iconic Battle of Gaugamela, a defining moment where Alexander’s innovative tactics shattered the Persian Empire’s might. Credit to : Kings and Generals

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