Italians in the Battle of Britain – Biplanes vs Spitfires (Pt3)

Italians in the Battle of Britain – Biplanes vs Spitfires (Pt3)

Showtime112 is a Thrustmaster Ambassador. Go to and use the code SHOWTIME112 to support your favorite YT channel. Although the Italian Air Corps (Corpo Aereo Italiano) faced heavy losses when they faced RAF fighters during their daylight bombing raid on England on 11 November 1940, they still continued with fighter sweeps in English airspace. Spitfires from 603 Squadron attacked the Italian Fiat CR.42 biplanes and a large dogfight developed. Both sides claimed having shot down many enemy fighters but what really happened? Find out in this video. #battleofbritain #italianairforce #militaryaviationhistory Credit to : Showtime112

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