Leibstandarte – A WW2 Documentary about Hitler`s Elite Bodyguard


The origins of the infamous “Protection Squads” (Schutzstaffeln or “SS”) can be traced back to the early days of the Storm Troopers (Sturmabteilung-SA). In January 1931 Ernst Röhm established a number of Staff Guards (Stabswachen) to protect key leaders of the SA and the National Socialist Party. In order to protect himself, Röhm established his own Staff Guard (Stabswache der Obersten SA-Führung). In addition he provided a Staff Guard for Hermann Göring (Stabswache Göring) as well as for Adolf Hitler (Standarte Adolf Hitler). Hitler’s primary goal was to establish a regiment of dedicated men that would protect him in the event his leadership was challenged by other National Socialist Party members including Röhm.

After Röhm was murdered and the SA purged, Hitler disbanded all of the Staff Guards except for his own which was renamed “SA-Standarte Adolf Hitler.” This elite guard unit later became the “SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler” (LAH) in September 1933. The LAH independently fielded combat troops during the campaign against Poland. Elements later joined the SS-Special Purpose Troops (SS-Verfügung-struppe-SS-VT) prior to the invasion of Russia in 1941.

Although not commonly known by today’s collectors, units comprising the SS-VT were not collectively known as the “Waffen-SS” until a speech by Adolf Hitler in July 1940. In 1941 the Division SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler joined the combined field units of SS-VT thereafter known as the Waffen-SS.

The Leibstandarte units:
SS-Stabswache Berlin, 1933
SS-Sonderkommando Berlin, (Also, SS-Sonderkommando Zossen and Jüterbog), 1933
Adolf Hitler-Standarte, 1933
Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, 1933
Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, 1934
Infanterie-Regiment Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, 1938
SS-Division Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler, 1941
SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, 1942
1.SS-Panzer-Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, 1944

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