Mixmaster to Jetmaster – America’s First Jet Bomber : Douglas XB-42 & XB-43

America’s First Jet Bomber

In the 1940s, the United States introduced a bomber prototype, unlike any other at the time. One using jet engines.
The revolutionary plane, the Douglas XB-43 Jetmaster, was the result of several great efforts, trials, and errors. Its predecessor, the XB-42, informed the craft. However, they replaced its piston engines with two General Electric J35 engines, boasting a powerful 4,000 lbf of thrust from each.
Efforts to mass produce the plane ultimately failed. Despite taking the title as the first American jet bomber, deeper issues with its design and stability killed the project and it never served in any operational capacity. The aircraft did, however, give pilot Glen Edwards his record-breaking speedy flight across the United States, flying from Long Beach, California, to Washington D.C. in a mere 5 hours…
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Credit to : Dark Skies