The Bride Ships Of 1620, Colonial America’s First Transatlantic Party Buses

History Documentaries

Jamestown, Virginia, arose as the first permanent English settlement in the New World, largely thanks to the strength and resilience of the Jamestown colony brides. The initial group of settlers, all male, arrived and built James Fort in 1607, a private, corporate adventure. Much opportunity, along with much risk, lay waiting in the New World. But within a year, the men already complained about the lack of female company. To satisfy the colonial men, the Virginia Company sent over the bride ships of 1619, enticing the women with hopes for a better life while satiating the men’s demands.

Peter Snow looks at the untold stories of British scientists and engineers who developed some of the modern world’s most incredible technology. The series covers rockets, the mobile phone, computer games, Formula 1 racing cars, the Harrier jump jet and the tilting train.

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